ACC Affinity Groups
About ACC Affinity Groups
ACC has created opportunities for employees with historically marginalized identities to gather and support each other through shared experiences, professional development and educational programming. As a part of the institution’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, it is important for ACC to foster a sense of belonging for individuals who have historically been discriminated against in the workforce and in education. We pride ourselves on creating a sense of belonging for students and employees. Please check out the current available groups to join for folks who self-identify within one or more of these groups. If you would like to start an affinity group please contact acc [dot] iec [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (acc[dot]iec[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).
Alliance of Latino/a/e/x Movement at ACC
Alianza de Latino/a/e/x Movimento de ACC (Alliance of Latino/a/e/x Movement at ACC) los invita cordialmente a nuestras juntas y eventos.
Esta es nuestra misión y nuestros valores:
Empoderamos a los profesores y empleados latinos de ACC a través de oportunidades culturales, personales, profesionales y de desarrollo. Nos esforzamos para crear un ambiente de apoya que fomente la inclusión y la equidad en ACC.
- Alimentar y hacer crecer las relaciones compartiendo experiencias sociales, de servicio, y profesionales.
- Fortalecer nuestra voz colectiva al tiempo que ACC abraza la diversidad, la inclusión, y la equidad.
- Promover el conocimiento sobre la cultura latina.
- Colaborar con los diversos departamentos de ACC para promover la diversidad.
Tenemos juntas mensuales, y con agendas muy variadas.
Para mas información y/o ser parte de la asociación, contacte a Annette Hernandez y/o Cynthia Villegas. annette [dot] hernandez [at] arapahoe [dot] edu, cyntha [dot] villegas [at] arapahoe [dot] edu.
The Alliance of Latino/a/e/x Movement at ACC extends an invitation to those of you who identify as Latino or Hispanic, to join us at an upcoming meeting or event.
We empower ACC's Latinx faculty and staff by providing cultural, personal, and professional development opportunities. We strive to create a supportive environment that fosters an inclusive and equitable college.
- Nurture and grow relationships by sharing social, service, and professional experiences
- Strengthen our collective voice as ACC embraces diversity, inclusion, and equity
- Promote Latino cultural awareness
- Collaborate across the college to promote diversity
We have monthly meetings with varying agendas.
Contact Annette Hernandez (annette [dot] hernandez [at] arapahoe [dot] edu) and / or Cynthia Villegas (cynthia [dot] villegas [at] arapahoe [dot] edu) or latinxaffinitygroup [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (latinxaffinitygroup[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) for more information and to join the association.
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Affinity Group (APIDA)
To encourage conversation about what it means to be Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) at ACC. To advocate for an open space for ACC community on campus where critical dialogue and action take place to dismantle racial, social and cultural systemic oppressions. To foster critical consciousness by developing intentional programs aimed at liberating the voices of marginalized groups and the campus community by empowers transformative learning by using approach that promotes and validates intersectional identities and experiences.
To empower and support those with an Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) connection throughout Arapahoe Community College with the goal of creating a socially just learning environment, and supporting institutional racial and social justice initiatives that ensure APIDA representation on campus ;that is inclusive and affirming.
- Supporting Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) staff
- Building sense of community and belonging for APIDA staff
- Providing an outlet to hear APIDA staff voices
- Providing community discussion and gathering with cultural focus activities and opportunities
- Possibility of including students later on
Contact Information:
If you are interested in joining this group, please apidaemployeeaffinity [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (contact the )apidaemployeeaffinity [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Group).
Black / African American Affinity Group
To serve as a support system and resource group among ACC African American/Black employees that encourages networking, professional development, and promotes positive cultural affirmations.
- Serve as a support system for all Black/African American ACC employees.
- Encourage career and personal development through informal, peer to peer mentoring.
- Support the Multicultural student group at ACC.
- Promote cultural awareness through the occasional cultural programming and events.
Patrice Session 303.797.5732 and Elana Beloved 303.797.5204
For more info and accommodations: please email blackafricanemployeeaffinity [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (blackafricanemployeeaffinity[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).
Employee Disability Affinity Group
To support ACC employees on issues related to physical and mental disabilities, through open discussion in a judgment-free environment, and through outreach with the ACC Community.
Create an inclusive environment for ACC employees with physical and mental disabilities where they feel championed, recognized, and represented.
If you would like to join, contact the employeedisabilityaffinitygroup [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (Employee Disability Affinity Group (EDAG)).
LGBTQ+ Affinity Group
Mission Statement
To support ACC Employees that identify in the LGBTQ+ community through open discussion in a judgment-free environment, and through outreach with the ACC community.
Vision Statement
Create an inclusive environment for ACC's LGBTQA+ employees where they feel championed, recognized, and represented.
If you would like to join, contact Brady Hoback at lgbtqemployeeaffinitygroup [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (lgbtqemployeeaffinitygroup[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).
Upcoming Events
Social Equity and Belonging Council Subcommittees
Expectations and Responsibilities
Committee Participation Expectations:
- Members can expect to have 5-7 hours/month of time committed to serving
- Some committees may experience more work than others depending on the needs of the college at various points of the semester or year.
Committee Chair Duties and Responsibilities:
- Understand the charge of the committee and implement a structure that leads to the creation and implementation of committee goals.
- Lead / chair committee meetings at minimum one time per month
- Keep committee members and Inclusive Excellence Council leadership informed of meeting times and agenda items
- Deliver updates and reports during Inclusive Excellence Council monthly meetings
- Serve on the Inclusive Excellence Council Leadership Team
- Demonstrate high level knowledge, understanding, and skill in equity, diversity and inclusion
- Dedicate at minimum 5-10 hours per month to Council work
Access and Equity Committee
Chairs: Michele Brown
Utilize demographic data to examine, track, and report experiences and outcomes for students from historically marginalized populations
Campus Climate Committee
Chairs: Vicki Aycock and Monica Fuglei
Assess and respond to gaps in regards to equity and inclusion in practice, procedures, processes, and culture at ACC
Equity-Mindedness in the Classroom Committee
Chairs: Courtney Dale and Megan Rector
Develop culturally responsive pedagogy resources and support faculty with diversifying the curriculum.
Human Resources Committee
Chairs: Mary Cima
Focus on the systematic practices that lead to growth, development and accountability as it relates to equity and Inclusive Excellence.
Student Learning and Development Committee
Chairs: Jennifer Jones and LaMario Fortson
Provide opportunities for students to acquire the content knowledge about groups from historically marginalized populations and support the development of learning about systemic oppression and how to interrupt it to create welcoming and equitable work and learning environments
Additional Social Equity and Belonging Council Information
Inclusive Excellence at ACC Timeline
- Pre-2018
- 2013? 2014?) – ACC’s CDIP held Diversity Dialogues and a Diversity Day Events
- 2018
- Presentations on Bias
- Presentation on Inclusive Syllabi
- An all-college presentation on ACC’s achievement gap
- Worked with HR to ensure protections for the employees working towards equity and inclusion on campus
- Worked with HR to revise the hiring process, including supporting their work on a presentation around implicit bias in the hiring process
- CDIP changed name to IEC
- First-Gen branding
- DACA Support Presentation
- Inclusive Syllabi Training
- Rewrote Diversity and Inclusion Statement
- Wrote initial Recognition of Land Statement
- Worked with the library to create a Diversity and Inclusion resource section
- Establish a relationship with the Northern Arapaho Business Council
- ACC officially adopts the inclusive excellence framework
- IEC forms committee in alignment with the IE framework + Human Resources
- Began Pronoun Training and Email Signatures
- Partnership Agreement signed with the Arapaho Nation
- All college Presentation by Kathy O’bear
- IEC shifted to a joint training/professional development and work group
- LGBTQIA+ and LatinX Employee Affinity Groups
- January - Women’s Affinity Group Created
- February - Inclusive by Design Course began running
- CIEO Position Created (FY 21) & Budget Expanded
- March - Campus Climate Survey Distributed
- June - CIEO position filled
- June - Solidarity with Black Lives Matter Event & Statement released
- July - Equity Training Series launched with the College Leadership team
- November - More Employee Affinity Groups created including Asian American & Pacific Islander, Black & African American, Employee Disability Affinity Group, LGBTQ Employee Affinity Group, & Latinx Faculty & Staff Association
- January - IEC moved to having a leadership team instead of co-chairs under the CIEO
- January - Equity Training Series continues with 19 members of IEC
- January - Student Government Association adds an Inclusive Excellence Officer position
- February - Campus Climate Findings Presentation
- March - IEC opened training/professional development to the entire college
- April - Campus climate follow up focus groups conducted
- First ACC Insider Equity Page created
- Equity in Action Symposium 2022 and 2023
- Expressions of Equity competition for students
- D2L Shell for Equity-Minded teaching resources
- Monthly Professional Development Series for the Inclusive Excellence Council
- Equity Definitions of the Month shared college-wide
IEC Leadership
- Dr. Tammy Sanders, Executive Director of Equity and Strategy
- Samuel C. Haynes, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs
- Becky Quade, Assistant to the Chief Inclusive Excellence Officer
- Jennifer Jones, IEC Faculty Mentor, Program Chair / Faculty, Astronomy
- Dan Balski, Director of Student Life
- Scott Guenthner, English Faculty
- Annette Hernandez, Assistant to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and the Dean of Students
- Megan Rector, Faculty Director of the Center for Professional Development
- Maria Ruiz-Jargon, TRIO Student Success Advisor
- Jennifer Woegens, Director of Elevate
Arapahoe Community College prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment including those that violate federal and state law, or the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Board Policies 3-120 or 19-60. The College does not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, familial or marital status, veteran status, pregnancy status or related conditions, religion, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sex characteristics, sex stereotypes, or any other protected class or category under applicable local, state, or federal law (also known as "civil rights laws") in its employment practices or educational programs and activities. Arapahoe Community College will take appropriate steps to ensure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational education programs.
The College has designated Angela Johnson, Human Resources Director, as its Affirmative Action Officer/Equal Opportunity Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator with the responsibility to coordinate its civil rights compliance activities and grievance procedures. For information, contact Angela Johnson, Human Resources Director at 5900 S. Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, CO 80120, telephone 303.797.5715.
You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Region VIII, Federal Office Building, 1244 North Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204, telephone 303.844.3417.