Visit with ACC

Visit with ACC
Visiting ACC is the best way to see if this is the place for you to Move Mountains. You’ll tour campus, discover free ACC services and resources, and talk with current students about life at ACC.
About ACC

About ACC
Founded in 1965, ACC has campuses in Littleton and Castle Rock. Learn more about how we have helped thousands of students Move Mountains.

If you help, let us know. Stop by the ACC Welcome Center on the Littleton Campus or call 303.797.5637 or email admissions [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (admissions[at]arapahoe[dot]edu).
Admissions Requirements

Admissions Requirements
Be confident that you're ready to apply and enroll at ACC by reviewing our Admissions Requirements.
Admissions Checklist

Admissions Checklist
Discover everything you need to get started at ACC with our Admissions Checklist. Let us help you get started at ACC. Follow these simple steps.
Academic Pathways, Degrees, and Certificates

Academic Pathways, Degrees, and Certificates
Explore our 7 Academic Pathways and the bachelor's and associate degrees and certificates we offer to help you Move Mountains toward your future!
Paying for College

Paying for College
Find financial aid (grants, work study options, and loans) and scholarship options to help you pay for college.
Transferring Credits to ACC

Transferring Credits to ACC
Find out if your credits will transfer from another institution or whether your life / job experience will apply to course credits toward your degree or certificate.
2-Part Student Orientation Experience

2-Part Student Orientation Experience
Learn about navigating ACC and the resources available to you through our 2-part Student Orientation experience. Part 1 is online and Part 2 is your advising and registration section.
Average student to faculty ratio
Statewide transfer agreements to 4-year colleges / universities
Awarded in financial aid and scholarships annually