Departmental Contacts
Department | Types of Questions | Contact Information |
Admissions | Campus tour, pre-enrollment requests, and Orientation | Nate Bertz 303.797.5863 nate [dot] bertz [at] arapahoe [dot] edu |
Academic Advising | Academic planning and degree/major exploration. Registration questions. | Brittany Blei 303.797.5769 brittany [dot] blei [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (brittany[dot]blei[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
Career & Transfer Services | Career exploration and planning. Transfer assistance and resources. Resume building. | Laura Aycock 303.797.5885 laura [dot] aycock [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (laura[dot]aycock[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
Cashier’s Office | Payment plans & general account information. Billing Questions & Third Party Billing for TA and Vocational Rehab. | Billie Thais 303.797.5902 billie [dot] thais [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (billie[dot]thais[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
Counseling Services | Advocacy and support for all students. Student conduct concerns. Student grievance or complaint processes. Free, confidential, short-term mental health counseling for students. | Josephine Thibodeau 303.797.5730 |
Disability Access Services | Academic accommodations and services offered to students with physical or mental disabilities. | Kathryn Mahoney 303.797.5674 kathryn [dot] mahoney [at] arapahoe [dot] edu |
Financial Aid | Assistance with FAFSA: grants, scholarships, federal work study, and student loans. | Paige Reynolds & Lance Coppin 303.797.5934 vets [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (vets[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
Records and Enrollment Services | Residency questions, transfer of military credits, transcript requests and graduation. | Amanda Lewis 303.797.5624 amanda [dot] lewis [at] arapahoe [dot] edu |
Student Life | Student leadership, clubs, and campus activities. | Dan Balski 303.797.5667 Dan [dot] Balski [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (dan[dot]balski[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
Testing Center | College placement testing, Credit for prior learning exams-CLEP & DSST testing, Health Program exams-NET & HOBET, Professional Certification exams. | Anastacia Rodriguez 303.797.5659 anastacia [dot] rodriguez [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (anastacia[dot]rodriguez[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
Veteran Benefits | Certification and assistance for Veterans and military-connected students who would like to utilize their educational benefits. | Paige Reynolds & Lance Coppin 303.797.5934 vets [at] arapahoe [dot] edu |
Veteran Services | Services, resources and assistance for Veteran students. | Dan Balski 303.797.5667 Dan [dot] Balski [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (dan[dot]balski[at]arapahoe[dot]edu) |
VA Education Number: 1.888.442.4551
Submit a Question to VA
Military Tuition Assistance
Military Tuition Assistance is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, and CO State National Guard. Congress has given each service the ability to pay up to 100% of the tuition expenses of its members. Tuition Assistance (TA) is a Department of Defense (DoD) program. VA does not administer Tuition Assistance. Tuition Assistance rules vary by branch of service and can even vary between components within the branches depending on whether the service member is on Active duty, Reserve, or National Guard.
Each service has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, the application process, and restrictions. This money is usually paid directly to the institution after billing is completed for the semester.
You can find good information at military.com and militaryonesource.mil.
TA at Arapahoe Community College
Tuition Assistance Benefits are processed through the Cashier’s Office at Arapahoe Community College. Students work with their branch education office to apply and are approved for Tuition Assistance. The branch education office may also require the use of specific branch websites to complete the process (i.e. www.armyignited.com/).
Completed TA Authorization Forms can be emailed or to the attention of the Third Party Billing Specialist:
Billie Thais
Arapahoe Community College Cashier's Office
Third Party Coordinator
billie [dot] thais [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (billie[dot]thais[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Upon receipt of a completed Tuition Assistance Authorization Form, student accounts will be “flagged” and held in their classes during the drop for non-payment.
If you are using VA Education Benefits and TA
Tuition Assistance (TA) is a Department of Defense (DoD) program. VA does not administer TA. TA rules vary by branch of service and can even vary between components within the branches depending on whether the service member is on Active duty, Reserve, or National Guard.
If a student receives education benefits from VA and receives TA benefits from the military, duplication of benefits may be an issue. The issue might involve VA regulations, DoD regulations, military branch-specific regulations, or all 3 since VA, DoD, and the military branches all have regulations about receiving VA benefits and TA at the same time.
It is your responsibility to read and understand your tuition assistance contract to determine whether the use of both benefits is permitted in your case. If you use both benefits and are not authorized to do so, any overpayment will be your responsibility to repay to the VA, ACC, and / or the DoD.
In general terms, state TA can be used in conjunction with GI Bill. When used with Federal TA, the GI Bill can only be certified for the amount of tuition and fees that the TA does not cover, if any. Please see this topic on the GI Bill website.
Chapter 30 (MGIB) and 33 (Post-9/11) Recipients
Active duty, National Guard, and Reserve service members may receive GI Bill benefits for the same courses for which they receive Federal TA from the military. Schools must deduct TA benefits from the net tuition and fees submitted to VA, and GI Bill is used to pay toward the remaining out-of-pocket costs.
Chapter 1606 and 1607 Recipients
Chapter 1606 and 1607 recipients cannot use Federal TA in conjunction with GI Bill. State TA can be used.
Please contact the School Certifying Official for questions regarding your eligibility for GI Bill:
Arapahoe Community College
School Certifying Official
vets [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (vets[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)
Order of Payment
- State Tuition Assistance: Up to 100% of tuition minus the College Opportunity Fund (COF) if eligible (subject to cap). Eligibility can be affected by GPA, financial aid, grades, and course status.
- Federal Tuition Assistance: may not exceed 100% of tuition. Fees may be covered depending on the Branch (US Army) and Status (Active/Reserve). College Opportunity Fund (COF) must be applied if considered a CO State Resident.
- GI BILL (Applied to the remaining tuition and fees)
Please direct any questions you may have regarding payment of the Tuition Assistance programs to the following individuals:
State Tuition Assistance (CO National Guard) Department Of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA):
Joni Fernandez
State Tuition Assistance Administrator
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Joni [dot] Fernandez [at] dmva [dot] state [dot] co [dot] us (Joni[dot]Fernandez[at]dmva[dot]state[dot]co[dot]us)
Phone: 720.250.1550
Federal Tuition Assistance (College Counseling):
Jinny Cavin
Virginia [dot] g [dot] cavin [dot] civ [at] mail [dot] mil (Virginia[dot]g[dot]cavin[dot]civ[at]mail[dot]mil)
Phone: 719.524.0997
Federal Tuition Assistance (Air Force):
Buckley AFB ED & Training Office
Phone: 720.847.6675
- Honorably discharged service members need to submit a copy of their DD 214 to Records and Enrollment (records [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (records[at]arapahoe[dot]edu)) to obtain residency status.
- DD 214 must state "Honorably Discharged" at the bottom of the form.
Active Duty Personnel
- If you are in the military and have Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders assigning you to a military installation in Colorado, you will need to obtain a Military Waiver from the military installation (contact the installation Education Office for guidance). With that waiver along with a copy of your military ID, you will be eligible for Colorado residency for in-state tuition purposes. You will need to submit the military waiver and a copy of your military ID each semester enrolled.
- If your spouse has retired from the military, and you and your spouse have relocated to Colorado within the last twelve (12) months, to receive Colorado residency for in-state tuition purposes, you will need to submit your spouse's DD 214 (must be “Honorably Discharged”) along with student’s military ID.
- If your spouse is in the military and has Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders assigning them to a military installation in Colorado (you must be on the service members orders/accompanied tour), you will need to obtain a Military Waiver from the military installation (contact installation Education Office for guidance). With that waiver along with a copy of the student’s military ID, you will be eligible for Colorado residency for in-state tuition purposes. You will need to submit the military waiver and copy of your dependent military ID each semester enrolled.
- If you (dependent) are on advance PCS orders relocating you to a Colorado military installation while the service member is serving on an unaccompanied tour with a return assignment to that Colorado military installation, you must provide a Military Waiver from the military installation to receive Colorado residency for in-state tuition purposes.
- College Opportunity Fund (COF) – Veterans and dependents who qualify for Colorado residency for in-state tuition purposes are also eligible for COF. You must apply and authorize the COF. Please see the COF link.
If None of the Above Apply to You
- For educational purposes, you must have resided in Colorado for one year to receive Colorado residency. You will be required to provide proof of residency (contact Admissions for more information) to qualify for in-state tuition.
Veteran's Services
Veterans Study Lounge
The Veterans Study Lounge is located in room M1630 on the Littleton Campus. The Lounge is a welcoming study space open to all ACC veterans and military-connected students. It is a place where you can stop by and meet your fellow veterans and find out what resources and services are available on campus.
If you want to enroll in ROTC courses at ACC, you will register for your courses and drive to the closest location, University Colorado at Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, or Metropolitan State University of Denver to attend classes. For information please visit the CU-Boulder Army ROTC webpage.