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AP 16-60b Protocol for Vending and Solicitation on Campus

Arapahoe Community College
Series 16 – Buildings and Grounds
AP 16-60b Protocol for Vending and Solicitation on Campus

Originated: February 2020

Revised: May 2024

Effective: February 2020; May 2024

References: BP16-60 Facilities Use; SP 16-60 Facilities Use and SP 4-30a Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities Resolution Procedure


Stephanie J. Fujii, Ph.D.
President, Arapahoe Community College


ACC has determined as part of its facilities use planning, to make certain College facilities available for solicitation and vending. This protocol sets out the process and requirements to reserve space for vending and solicitation.

This protocol does not create, nor shall be construed to create an express or implied contract or a guarantee or promise of any specific process, procedures, practice or benefit. To the extent that any provision of this protocol is inconsistent with federal or state law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies Board Policies (BPs) or System Procedures (SPs), the law, BPs and SPs, shall, in that order, take precedence, supersede and control. BPs and SPs are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System Chancellor, respectively. ACC reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to this protocol as it deems appropriate.


This protocol applies to students, employees and the general public. The protocol does not apply to CCCS-affiliated entities and recognized student groups engaging in authorized Campus Community activities.


  1. Authorized activity means any activity of a recognized student group that is within the group's mission, and any activity of CCCS-affiliated entities that is in support of the CCCS mission or has gone through the appropriate channels to receive approval and be held at CCCS Facilities.
  2. Campus Community means employees, students, recognized student groups and CCCS-affiliated entities.
  3. Campus contact means the person through whom a member of the Campus Community or general public arranges space for their official College activities and/or authorized activities in support of ACC.
  4. CCCS-affiliated entity means any foundation, partner, governmental agency or nonprofit service provider acting in support of the Colorado Community College System mission in accordance with prior approval by the Chancellor or College President or designees.
  5. College facilities means CCCS-owned and controlled buildings, grounds, space, property and other facilities including but not limited to residence halls, buildings and the space within and between buildings, parking lots, athletic facilities, sidewalks, lawns, fields, shelters, amphitheaters, airspace, and all other spaces where events may be held, activities may take place, or that may require services.
  6. Official College activity means any College or System activity undertaken by or under the authority of a College or System official within the scope of his or her duty as part of the CCCS mission.
  7. Recognized student group means a student group recognized by the Student Life Office as an ACC Club.
  8. Solicitation means the act of:
    1. distributing solicitation materials including flyers, handbills, leaflets, placards, bulletins, newspapers, magazines, coupon books, samples, and promotional items;
    2. marketing for commercial purposes, and offering information about services or sales;
    3. seeking petition signatures or a donation (whether money, services, or tangible item}.
  9. Vending means any transaction that involves the exchange of money for services and/or goods.


Campus Contacts for Reserving Space

Requests to reserve space for vending and solicitation on campus are coordinated through the campus contacts listed below:

  • For students: Littleton Campus Facility Rental, Sturm Collaboration Campus Facility Manager
  • For recognized student groups: Student Life Office or group Advisor
  • For employees: Littleton Campus Facility Rental, Sturm Collaboration Campus Facility Manager
  • For CCCS-affiliated entities: the employee through whom arrangements have been made for activities in support of the CCCS mission
  • For members of the general public: Littleton Campus Facility Rental, Sturm Collaboration Campus Facility Manager

Reserving and Using Space

The following provisions apply to the use of campus space for vending and solicitation:

  1. Vending and Solicitation are permitted at ACC with prior reservation only.
  2. Members of the general public will be required to enter into a use agreement and may be charged fees in accordance with the rental schedule below.
  3. Solicitors and vendors will be assigned a location. The vendor or solicitor must adhere to the reserved location and this protocol.
  4. Locations are allocated based on space available and space appropriate to the proposed activity. Certain spaces and vending and solicitation opportunities may be limited to, or priority given to, recognized student groups or CCCS-affiliated entities depending on the nature of the activity, the location and ACC objectives to be advanced by providing the vending and solicitation space.
  5. Solicitors and vendors shall not disrupt official College activities or other reserved or authorized uses, impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or access to buildings.
  6. Continuing to approach anyone who has indicated a lack of interest or stopping anyone, shouting, or using an amplifier of any kind is prohibited.
  7. Posting or affixing materials such as pamphlets, banners, handbills, posters or flyers anywhere on College property and grounds is prohibited, except as authorized by the College. Affixing material to motor vehicles parked on College property is prohibited.
  8. Distribution of materials such as pamphlets, handbills, newspapers or flyers by individuals is prohibited, except in those areas designated as distribution points on College property.

Rental Schedule

The following facilities may be available for rent for solicitation and vending, depending on availability.

  • Solicitors and vendors can be located in 1) the Littleton Main Building Atrium, or 2) the Sturm Collaboration Campus Lobby, and at the current rental rate. The vendor or solicitor must adhere to the reserved location and this protocol. Locations are allocated based on space available and space appropriate to the proposed activity. Certain spaces and vending and solicitation opportunities may be limited to, or priority given to, recognized student groups or CCCS-affiliated entities depending on the nature of the activity, the location and ACC objectives to be advanced by providing the vending and solicitation space.

  • Solicitors and vendors shall not disrupt official College activities or other reserved or authorized uses, impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or access to buildings. Continuing to approach anyone who has indicated a lack of interest or stopping anyone, shouting, or using an amplifier of any kind is prohibited.
  • Violation of the expectation in this Protocol may result in being asked to leave immediately without refund. ACC reserves the right to refuse to grant future applications to individuals or groups in violation of this procedure.

Refusal of a Reservation

No reservation for solicitation or vending space will be granted for the following activities:

  1. Any activity that competes with official College activities or businesses with which CCCS has entered into an exclusive contract (e.g., food service, beverage/snack vending); or
  2. Any activity prohibited by local, state and/or federal laws (e.g., solicitation for credit cards, campaign contributions, sales or promotion of tobacco and tobacco-related products and marijuana or marijuana-related products).

In addition, the campus contact for reservation of space may refuse a reservation in the following circumstances:

  • Conflict with an earlier request to reserve the same space and time, whether for official College activity or other previously reserved use.

  • Failure to conform to the requirements of law, Board Policy, System Procedure or this protocol.

  • An adjacent space is being used for an official College activity or a previously reserved use that renders the requested space unsuitable for the proposed activity.

  • The request form is incomplete.

  • The request alone or cumulatively with other requests exceeds more than 5 days in a semester or is for more than 5 consecutive days.


Violation of this protocol may result in being asked to leave immediately without refund. ACC reserves the right to refuse to grant future applications to individuals or groups in violation of this procedure. Students and employees also may be subject to discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion for students and dismissal or termination for employees.