The Progenitor, ACC’s award-winning art and literary journal, has been in continuous production since 1967. Produced every spring, this literary journal has consistently ranked among the top college literary magazines in the country, receiving numerous awards for design and content.
Progenitor Art & Literary Journal accepts original and unpublished prose, art, and photography from students, writers, and artists around the world. Progenitor is an award-winning journal produced by ACC students in ENG 2031.
ENG 2031 Literary Magazine, Spring Semester
Consider this a job, not a class. The Progenitor Staff follows a master calendar in order to create a print and digital journal and an online website. The staff collaborates with the graphic design MGD Capstone 2089 class from the ground up. You'll learn the editorial process involved in preparing a literary magazine for publication. You'll be involved with the process of selecting material (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art) to be published in the journal, as well as in the making of design, layout, and production decisions to prepare a manuscript for publication. You'll learn how to collaborate as a team with writers, journalists, editors, and graphic designers. You will interview authors and artists, re-design the Progenitor Online website, and host a release party celebration. Great hands-on experience for those interested in the publishing field--whether you want to work for a magazine or publish in one. It is a terrific addition to your resume.
Submit Your Work
Progenitor Art & Literary Journal accepts submissions from published and unpublished writers, students, and the writing community. Submissions for Progenitor Art & Literary Journal are chosen by the Progenitor staff in a blind process. Progenitor only accepts submissions through Submittable.
Submission Guidelines
Prose Guidelines:
You may submit original, unpublished work only in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novel excerpts, and screenplay excerpts.
Poetry: you may submit once and upload up to three poem files per submission. Your name must not appear on the manuscript nor in the file name for the manuscript. Text Requirements: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, single space for poetry. Please include a title on all poems submitted.
Fiction and Nonfiction: you may submit once and upload up to two fiction or nonfiction files per submission. Each prose work should not exceed 2500 words. Your name must not appear on the manuscript nor in the file name for the manuscript. Text Requirements: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced for prose. Please include titles on the manuscripts.
Art and Photography:
You may submit once and upload up to three files per submission. Your name must not appear on the work or on the file names.
Visual Art Requirements: 8 megapixels or higher for artwork or photography. If work is selected, you may be asked to provide a new file with the appropriate production values.
Cover Letter Guidelines:
Please fill out the cover letter for your submission including Colorado Residency status and ACC student status if you are submitting as a student. Give your full name, email address, phone number, and titles of your entries. Include a short 25-word bio for the Progenitor in case your work is accepted. Also, note the type / medium for your art or photography work.
Please proofread your work carefully before submitting your work. Once decisions are made, we will notify you by email whether your work has been accepted or declined.
We're accepting submissions for the Progenitor.
*Donate to the ACC Foundation and get a free Progenitor Literary & Art Journal.