Updated COVID Guidelines, Summer & Fall

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope this note finds you doing well and enjoying our spring-like weather!
View the updated COVID-19 Guidelines for Summer, June 1st to August 1st, as well as some anticipated guidelines for Fall Semester that we know at this time.
Summer Term Highlights:
- Masks will be required indoors in all buildings, except when alone in a private office. Two people meeting in a private office may remove their masks IF both parties are vaccinated, distance, and comfortable doing so. Three or more individuals meeting must be masked.
- Faculty and Instructors may remove their masks when teaching if vaccinated and comfortable doing so. Students must remain masked.
- Plexiglass will remain in place; sanitizing stations will remain available.
- Reporting of positive COVID tests will still be required; we will continue to alert exposed employees and/or students.
- Vaccinated individuals will not need to quarantine, based on CDC and Tri-County Health Department guidelines; unvaccinated individuals will need to quarantine following CDC and Tri-County Health Department guidelines (14 days).
- Employees currently working remotely will begin returning to campus on a rotating schedule as determined by their supervisor. The college will resume regular working and open hours Monday-Saturday (Sunday as needed). Employees who have unique circumstances regarding ability to return to campus should contact the HR office for further information and guidance.
- Visitors to ACC will be allowed, and they must follow our mask guidelines.
- Sponsored events and facilities rentals will be allowed, not exceeding room/facility capacity, with individuals following our mask guidelines.
- Professional travel will resume following all regular fiscal and college guidelines and procedures in place.
- People coming to campus will no longer be required to complete the COVID Symptom Check Form.
- The updated COVID Guidelines Chart will be posted on our website, along with any other pertinent information. Signage will be place at all three ACC campuses accordingly.
Please remember that these guidelines are in place to continue our focus on the wellbeing of our employees, students, and community members, as well as provide our students with a high quality education with the least disruption as possible to ensure their success.
Questions? Please contact your COVID Workplace Coordinator, HR Office, or VP/Pres.
It will be great to see more people on campus – We can do this! Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated!
Have a great day,
Diana M. Doyle, Ph.D.