ACC - Time to COVID Test and Further Info

Hello Pumas!
I hope your semester is going well – thank you for your patience as we all navigate the start of the academic term and keeping our community healthy given the recent spike in COVID-19 cases!
As announced in November 2021 and to all students as they enrolled in Spring 2022, students need to provide proof of a COVID-19 test (hopefully negative) on a weekly basis if they are not fully vaccinated.
You can and should start testing NOW in anticipation of the activation of the testing protocol. You may test at any of the more than 150 free testing sites across Colorado. Home rapid tests are not acceptable, but great to use if you are symptomatic between weekly testing appointments. If ACC does not have evidence of you being fully vaccinated, you must provide testing results uploaded each week between Sunday and Saturday of that week. You will be sent a new unique weekly link each Sunday via email. The first upload link will be sent this Sunday, January 30 via email.
It is critical you plan ahead to meet the requirements of the testing protocol. Failure to do so will result in you being out of compliance.
- You test this Thursday, Friday or Saturday...when the results arrive, you upload them with the link provided on Sunday, January 30. You may come to class prior to your results.
- You test Monday, January 31. Results arrive Wednesday. You upload the results Wednesday to the link you got on Sunday January 30. You may still come to class prior to your results.
- You test on Thursday, February 3. Your results don’t arrive until Sunday, February 6. You would be out of compliance because you have not uploaded test results between Sunday, January 30 and Saturday, February 5.
You have your test result – what do you do now?
- Negative: Upload your results each week starting Sunday, January 30. You must upload between Sunday and Saturday of each week with the link provided.
- Positive: Upload your result, DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS, and report your positive test HERE immediately. You will be contacted on next steps, including when you are allowed to resume in person classes.
- Symptomatic (fever, runny nose, sore throat, severe headache, etc. – you can review symptom list and exposure instructions HERE). In between tests, if you are sick, please do not come in person to campus. Contact your instructor(s) and stay home until you are well. There are several other viruses and it is flu season, so please stay home as to not infect others. This applies to fully vaccinated and unvaccinated students and employees.
- Non-symptomatic but waiting for results. You may come to class while you wait for your weekly results.
Each Sunday, starting this Sunday, January 30, you will receive an email with a unique link to upload that week’s testing result.
Reminders & Summary:
- If a student has not submitted proof of being fully vaccinated by January 30, they are considered unvaccinated, and will need to test weekly and upload test results via the specific email link and instructions that will be sent weekly starting January 30.
- The only exemption process for the testing protocol is the following: (1) proof of completed vaccination cycle or (2) taking all fully online courses or (3) ACC has received documented proof of a positive test result within the last 90-days.
- ACC will accept all vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization. Upload proof of vaccination HERE.
- ACC will accept test results from sites listed at Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. Home rapid tests are not accepted at this time.
- Lack of compliance with this requirement will be addressed as a failure to comply violation of Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities and could result in progressive disciplinary action, including suspension, from Arapahoe Community College. If you are suspended due to lack of compliance, you are still responsible for any tuition and fees for courses incurred that semester and any financial aid associated with those courses. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standing may be impacted as well, resulting in suspension of financial aid.
- If a student becomes vaccinated during the semester, the exemption from weekly testing will take effect two weeks after they receive their final dose. Upload proof of vaccination HERE.
If you have questions or concerns you wish to share with ACC’s COVID Response Team, please submit those HERE.
Thank you all and here is to a good semester!
Lisa Matye Edwards
Vice President of Student Affairs