Update: Face Covering/Mask Protocols at ACC

As in person classes are returning to campus, and with the recent announcements of expiring public health orders, there have been many questions on the future of masks at ACC. Even though TriCounty’s health order will expire along with others on Friday, February 4, health officials have recommended that schools, businesses, and public institutions establish their own masking requirements.
ACC will continue to require masks inside all ACC buildings.
Our decision is based on the high transmission rates that remain in Arapahoe and Douglas County and recommendation that wearing a mask helps slow the spread of COVID-19. We strongly believe that masking is a best practice in our layered strategy to provide in-person classroom instruction and services for our students.
ACC will continue to provide disposable masks to students, employees, and visitors on all campuses. Gaiters and masks with exhalation valves or vents are not approved for inside campus buildings. Please visit ACC’s COVID Response webpage for further details and information on our mask requirements.
Exceptions to the face covering/mask requirement are:
- Employees when alone in an office or other personal workspace, with the door closed.
- When eating or drinking in a space where eating and drinking is permitted and only for the duration necessary to consume the food and / or beverage. The face covering / mask should be up whenever possible.
- Eating in the classroom is limited to 10 minutes. You are expected to cover your mouth in between bites and sips when in a classroom and eating / drinking.
- The college may impose additional rules governing eating and drinking to meet operational and health and safety needs.
Physical distancing is not a substitute for wearing a face covering in locations where one is required. Any person not wearing an accepted face covering where required will be asked to put one on.
CCCS presidents and ACC key personnel will continue to monitor, review, and assess our COVID-19 plans considering the latest information and/or directives from the Governor and appropriate health organizations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 variants.
Feel free to reach out to the COVID Response Team with questions and feedback. They continue to meet weekly and want to hear your concerns.
Office of the President
- 2025 (8)