Secure Software Development AAS
The Secure Software Development degree combines skills in computer programming, software assurance, and database development fundamentals. A degree in Secure Software can provide jobs under the title of Computer Systems Analysts, Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers, Computer Programmers, Software Developer, and Information Security Analysts.
Admission Requirements
Program Requirements
General Education Courses (22 credit hours)
3 Credits
4 Credits
- Choose one business course from the following (3 Credits): BUS 115, BUS 120, BUS 216, BUS 226, ACC 121
3 Credits OR
3 Credits
3 Credits OR
3 Credits
- Choose six credits from the following areas (6 Credits):
Arts and Humanities (ART, FRE, GER, HUM, ITA, JPN, LIT, MUS, PHI, RUS, SPA, THE)
Nature and Physical Sciences (AST, BIO, CHE, ENV, GEY, PHY, SCI)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (ANT, ECO, GEO, HIS, POS, PSY, SOC)
Major Courses (33 credit hours)
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
3 Credits
Restricted Electives (6 credits)
Choose six credits from the following:
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
- Faculty Advisor-approved elective (3 credits)
Total: 61 credit hours
Graduation Requirements
- Apply for graduation online at
- As a graduate of a Career and Technical Education program you will be contacted by an ACC employee in approximately six months to verify your employment information. This information gathering is a federal requirement to ensure that ACC receives certain federal funding.