A Fraction of the Time & Expense: Matthew Stuckenbruck’s Story

When it comes to getting a jumpstart on education, ACC Concurrent Enrollment (CE) student and math enthusiast Matthew Stuckenbruck is making it look as easy as pi.
Stuckenbruck enrolled in his first CE class through ACC during the spring semester of his freshman year at CEC Parker High School (CECP) at the age of 13. He now finds himself in the advantageous position of earning his Associate of Science transfer degree in Mathematics from ACC (May 12, 2023) one week in advance of earning his diploma from CECP (May 19, 2023).
Stuckenbruck, who has qualified for CECP’s Dean’s List in all but one semester of his prep career, is a 2-time recipient (Spring 2022, Fall 2022) of recognition on the ACC President’s List (4.0 term grade point average). He will attend CU Boulder this fall for his bachelor’s degree and plans to continue his education with a graduate degree in applied mathematics.
“CE has allowed me to challenge myself so much further than I might have otherwise,” stated Stuckenbruck, who also began taking classes at the ACC Littleton Campus in the spring of 2022. “I’m taking sophomore-level college classes right now that I find very interesting. Plus, unlike AP courses, these CE classes are certainly going to transfer into CU Boulder, which means it won’t be quite as expensive to get my degree, and I might even be able to finish college sooner than expected.”
The president of his high school math club (Mu Alpha Theta), Stuckenbruck serves as a peer tutor at CECP and works as an instructor at Mathnasium.
“CE has helped me to take personal responsibility for my education,” Stuckenbruck explained. “It’s also helped teach me how to be organized, but I’ve still been able to maintain a good balance and do things that I enjoy outside the classroom. I love doing math for fun and learning about math, but I also like to run, go on bike rides, and play rock songs on the piano.”
Selected as CECP’s Student of the Month in October 2022, Stuckenbruck has career aspirations that are, shall we say, out of this world.
“I think that a career in aerospace engineering is very appealing to me because I've always been interested in space and would love to contribute to the advancement of that field,” said Stuckenbruck. “I might also consider working as a professor and pursuing a PhD”
Contact the ACC Concurrent Enrollment program today to learn more about enrolling in courses at your high school.