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Computer Network Technology Certificate - Academic Plan


Total Credits = 18

This certificate is specifically designed to prepare students as entry-level networking professionals. Students are encouraged to take the associated industry certification exams.

Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Recommendations

Where requirements are listed as course categories (e.g. Electives, Arts/Humanities) rather than as specific courses, please note that depending upon course choice, prerequisites may be required.

*Grade C or better required

Required Course Prerequisite, Corequisite, or Recommendation
CNG 1025 - Networking II: Network+ Prerequisite or Corequisite: CNG 1024 - Networking I: Network+


  • Course availability is subject to change.
  • Recommended courses may be listed above for certain electives; consult with the Academic Advising Office (advising [at] arapahoe [dot] edu or 303.797.5664) for additional elective recommendations.
  • Refer to 2024/2025 catalog for specific requirements and important information about this certificate.