Western Welcome Week 2016

We are just a couple of weeks away from Western Welcome Week! Arapahoe Community College (ACC) has a special place for the event that the City of Littleton puts on. We are sponsors, breakfast hosts, parking lot quarters, parade-goers, and festival vendors – we even provide water for the horses! The 2016 Western Welcome Week theme is “Salute to Educators”.
Each year the Western Welcome Week committee selects an individual or individuals that exemplifies the theme, as the Grand Marshal. This year there is a trio of grand marshals that represent the past, present and future of the education profession. We are honored that an ACC graduate, Hannah Sturdivant, has been selected as one of three grand marshals, serving as the future grand marshal. Sturdivant earned her Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as her Early Childhood Director Certificate, at ACC. She is currently employed at Belle’s and Beau’s at the Farm in Aurora, and works with children of all ages. Hannah aspires to become a curriculum coordinator for various early childhood classrooms.

We have several opportunities to volunteer. ACC will host the Family Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, August 14 from 7:30 am – 11:30 am. Come and dine on all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausages, and coffee, while catching-up with friends. The kids can play FREE “Games of Old” and round up for the “Bruce Wolf Stick Horse Stampede”.
The cost is $5 per person and is hosted on the ACC Littleton campus. If you would like to help serve the community breakfast, contact Jeff Duggan 303.797.5709 jeff [dot] duggan [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (jeff[dot]duggan[at]arapahoe[dot]edu). If you can’t make it on the 14th, then consider volunteering on Saturday, August 20 at the Grand Parade. The parade runs from 10 am – noon though downtown Littleton.
Join the ACC parade walkers as we represent the college and Salute to Educators. After the parade, you can visit the festival and all the great vendors from around the city. If you would like to walk the parade with the ACC team, contact Karen Browning 303.797.5736 karen [dot] browning [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (karen[dot]browning[at]arapahoe[dot]edu). The Western Welcome Week celebrations start Friday August 12th and go through Sunday August 21st. There are plenty of activities for you and the family. Or if you are just looking to attend the celebration, check out the list of events at westernwelcomeweek.org. We hope to see you there!