ViTaL Team Volunteers at Project Homeless Connect

On September 19, 2017, ACC’s ViTaL team joined together with the College Diversity and Inclusivity Project (CDIP) and ACC’s Student Life department to volunteer at Project Homeless Connect, a one-day free resource fair that provides services to the homeless individuals and families in need. In total, 10 ACC students, faculty, and staff volunteered alongside over 800 volunteers from across the city to serve at this event.

Project Homeless Connect offered an array of services including ID services, housing services, resume workshops, clothing banks, vision check, healthcare, veterans services, childcare, and pet care.

Here are some of the amazing results from the one day of service:
- 69 people were hired on the spot
- 130 people received assistance with their legal questions
- 145 people created résumés
- 178 people attended the onsite job fair
- 180 people received medical screenings, along with HIV, liver function, and diabetes tests, as appropriate
- 199 pets were vaccinated, spayed, or neutered
- 255 people received haircuts and 205 received massages
- 450 people learned about or enrolled in Denver Human Services benefit
Project Homeless Connect served over 1,300 people that day and changed the lives of both the volunteers and those served. Perhaps the most important word in its title is the word “Connect.” ACC student Olivia Perkovich explains how she felt after serving at the event: “Project Homeless was an ultimate success! I had a blast being able to help my community by making a difference by creating hygiene bags for all homeless around Denver. It made me feel great to know I could help contribute and it is so awesome to work with a group of people who are all so oriented, helpful and kind to put in an event of this sort together for our community and for the ones who need it most. Nothing feels better then to give back to those in need! This was definitely an event I will remember and I can’t wait to do it again!”

We hope many more ACC students and entire departments will come join us at this important event next year!