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ACC Spring 2021 - Important Info!

Email sent to ACC Students by Vice President of Student Affairs - Dr. Lisa Matye Edwards on Monday, January 11, 2021

Hello ACC Students –

Countdown to the start of ACC’s Spring 2021 semester is underway! Spring courses will start the week of January 19, 2021 and from now until then, I will be sending you information I hope will help you have a successful semester at ACC. The intention is not to overwhelm you with communication, but I think we can all agree – this is an unusual time and I don’t know about you – I find I need more information and repeated information given all that is happening. You are getting this email because you are either enrolled in ACC Spring 2021 courses or have been enrolled in the past and not yet completed your degree or certificate.

Students who are concurrently enrolled in high school and ACC, please note these items apply to you if you are taking any courses that would normally be in person/online at ACC and not at your specific high school.

Please continue to monitor the ACC Webpage and your student email for the latest updates. I am including some important updates in this email – please do not hesitate to reach out with questions!

due to an all college meeting for all ACC employees. Thank you for your understanding as we prepare for Spring 2021.

ACTION ITEM FOR Today, January 11

  1. Please review the information in this email, make sure you have either your electronic ACC ID or physical ACC ID (see additional details in this message).
  2. If you are coming to or plan to come to campus in Spring 2021, you should move the ACC Online Screening Form to a bookmarked place on your mobile device to make it easy to complete. You should plan to complete this form each day you are physically on campus. Thank you for your help in keeping us safe & able to return to in person learning when possible!


Limited in person services will be available at all three ACC campuses near the building front doors from 8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday. However – we are all still safer at home AND ALL ACC services are available virtually, so there is no need to come to campus. If you do need to meet in person, please plan to make an appointment utilizing Navigate or call ahead, as that will allow us to serve you best without additional waiting. You need to follow all safety guidelines to be on campus, so please review prior to your arrival.


All services are still available remotely, Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm, until 6pm on Monday & Tuesdays.

Littleton Main Building North Door:  Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
Parker Campus:  Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm
Sturm Collaboration Campus:  Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm
THIS TUESDAY, January 12, NO SERVICES VIRTUAL OR IN PERSON until 10:30am due to an All College Meeting for employees  Thank you for your understanding as we prepare for Spring 2021.

SPRING 2021 Important Information

  • You must wear an approved face covering and bring your ACC ID (digital or physical) if you come to any campus. Please review ACC’s Wellbeing and Safety for more details. You must wear a mask if you are on campus in person. ACC does not allow neck gators and masks that have a vent that exhales ARE NOT approved to be worn on campus.  
  •  If you do not have a CDC/ACC approved face covering, we will have a limited supply available at no cost to students at the front doors. If you feel you cannot wear a mask/face covering, please contact ACC Disability Access Services to explore accommodation options.
  • All students should have either an ACC digital/electronic ID (it was included in your ACC acceptance letter) or a physical ID from being enrolled in a previous semester. Please check your ACC student email if you just recently registered for an electronic ID. Students in specific programs requiring physical ID’s will receive additional instructions from the programs on obtaining a physical ACC ID. Otherwise, please plan to utilize the electronic ACC ID. You may print your electronic ID or keep it on your mobile device to show when requested (Screenshot or download or show the email).
  • How is ACC responding if a student or staff gets COVID-19? Please review ACC’s COVID-19 Response Protocol.
  • Please know we are here to support you, but part of that is you doing your part. You are asked to use the reporting forms if:
    1. You have received a presumptive positive or positive COVID-19 test.
    2. You have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
    3. You are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
  • Please remember to check HOW your class will be offered for Spring 2021. Any class with a building, room number will have on-campus, in person meetings. Please visit the ACC Spring 2021 website for more details on how spring courses will meet. As we get closer to the first day of classes, or if you family situation has changed, please look for a course that meets your needs. Don’t want to come to campus in person or cannot due to your circumstances? Look for the course that meets virtually or remotely (you can tell by the classroom or review the ACC Spring Course Offerings for a full description).
  • Some (not all) Spring courses scheduled to be in person (with a room when you view your schedule) will meet virtually until February 8th. Please check your specific course in D2L (Desire2Learn) starting January 12 for instructions specific to YOUR class to know if it is one that will meet virtually and then shift to in-person on February 8th. Details of how the course will meet will be in D2L. Instructions for accessing D2L follow.
    1. To view your schedule, please visit myACC. Select the STUDENT tab (top), and on the left side will be Student Schedule. LOOK AT THE ROOM – if the class is virtual or remote – it will say VIRTUAL or REMOTE for the room.  ACCOnline or CCCOnline will indicate online and TBD for the time. Classes with a room and a time will meet in person. Review the ACC Spring 2021 Website for WHEN you will come for any in person class (according to the letter your last name begins with).
    2. Starting January 12, you can select the STUDENT Tab, then select the linked course title in Student Schedule to access additional course information, including important course links like Zoom or WebEx in the Desire2Learn (D2L) platform. All students should visit ACC’s D2L resource page to familiarize yourself with how to access and use D2L.
    3. Watch your ACC student email this week for more information from your instructors.
  • Parking passes will not be needed for Spring 2021. You will not have to purchase a parking pass and may park in ACC lots without one. Please remember to park in ACC lots (parking and building maps can be found here). Street parking is not controlled by ACC and may result in City of Littleton tickets if you do not follow the signage on the streets.


Reminder: You need to follow all safety guidelines to be on campus, so please review prior to your arrival.


All services are available remotely, Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm, with hours until 6pm on Mondays and Tuesdays. Limited in person hours are:

  • Littleton Main Building North Door: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
  • Parker Campus: Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm
  • Sturm Collaboration Campus: Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm

The ACC Bookstore has options including in person, limited contact pick up and ship to home options. We also have created Step by Step How to Order information to assist students in finding and ordering the books or supplies you need for your class.

The Fitness Center at Littleton is open to enrolled students. Appointments are REQUIRED. Please visit the Fitness Center webpage for hours and how to make an appointment. There are also GREAT online streaming options through ACC’s Sweat on Demand.

Download the Navigate app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for on the go appointment scheduling and other resources.

Spring 2021 Classes Start January 19th

Again – please check to see when, how or where your classes will meet. Parker? Littleton? Sturm Collaboration Campus or Art & Design? Is your class meeting in person...or will it meet remotely or virtually? All services are available virtually to help all of us stay safe and comply with state requirements for colleges.

As of January 19th, you will need to:

  • Have an ACC ID to be on campus (digital or physical)
  • Wear an appropriate face covering, and
  • Assess your health prior to coming to campus and complete the ACC On-Campus Screening (online) for EACH day you are on campus. We suggest you move the ACC Online Screening Form to a bookmarked place on your mobile device to make it easy to complete if you will be on campus physically for courses.

You should only come to a campus in person if necessary for a class or one of the following services:

  • Open Computer Labs will be available. Please visit Navigate to schedule your time in the lab for any of ACC Computer Lab locations.
  • The Library and Learning Commons services will be virtual until at least February 8th.
  • The Fitness Center at Littleton will be open by appointment for Spring 2021.
  • Calculator Rental is available. You can pay for your calculator rental online by completing the online rental form in myACC on the Student Finance page and choose Pay with Credit Card: Optional Purchases. For instructions on picking up a rented calculator, please visit Math Support Center for detailed instructions and locations at all three ACC campuses.
  • ACC’s Spirt Shop & Espresso Yourself Café at Littleton plans to be open for grab & go food and supplies. Hours are posted on the website. Sturm Collaboration Campus students – watch for information about services via Crowfoot Coffee.
    • *No microwaves are available on campus in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health. Please plan accordingly.

Tomorrow – we will email you with more highlights for Spring 2021 but it will be shorter (I promise!) Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.
Thanks ACC Pumas!
Lisa Matye Edwards
Vice President of Student Affairs
Arapahoe Community College
