ACC - 4 Days Until Spring 2024 Classes Start!

Hello ACC Pumas!
You are getting this email because you are enrolled in ACC Spring 2024 courses. I hope you find this Countdown to Spring 2024 information helpful as we approach the start of classes...stay warm out there!
ACTION ITEM FOR Today, Thursday, January 11: Get to know your technology tools and set yourself up for success!
Explore what Navigate offers - it is your one-stop shop for connecting with all things ACC! You can use Navigate for academic course planning, registering for classes, scheduling appointments with a variety of departments, exploring upcoming to-dos and events, asking for assistance, connecting with resources, and even finding study buddies. Download links and learn how to use Navigate.
Take advantage of a D2L orientation session – save time and frustration by knowing how to use this valuable tool for all your courses and find the info you need! Three virtual sessions are being offered and here are the direct zoom links:
Friday, January 12 at 12pm: D2L Student Orientation Jan. 12
Monday, January 15 at 6pm: D2L Student Orientation Jan. 15
Tuesday, January 16 at 6pm: D2L Student Orientation Jan. 16
Those sessions will also be recorded and posted to the ACC website, Learn more about D2L now and be ready when courses start!
myACC is full of valuable resources and tools! Use the Dashboard for quick access to tools like Navigate, Office 365 or BankMobile for those financial aid refunds! Check out the Student tab for more detailed information, including student orientation, a detailed weekly course schedule, how to use DegreeCheck and more!
Did your laptop break? If you need a device to help you be successful in your remote learning experiences, ACC may be able to provide you with a loaner laptop (subject to availability). Please let us know by contacting the Dean of Students Office at 303.797.5730 or fill out the online form HERE .
ACC students may print to a variety of printers at each ACC campus location. At the beginning of each semester, students are provided a printing quota equivalent to 250 black and white prints. At any point in time, you may add credit to your print account by contacting the Cashier's office or visiting the Library & Learning Commons on the Littleton Campus. Students at our Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock who wish to add to their print account may ask for more information at the front desk.
Check out these ACC Technology Tools and Tips to help you be successful.
Previous Action Items:
ACTION ITEM from Tuesday, January 9: Know how to get a parking pass and where student services are located during construction. Please visit this webpage for Tuesday’s email.
ACTION ITEM from Wednesday, January 10: Download the Navigate App and know how your course will be offered! Do you need to log in and how will that work? Where is your in-person class? You can review the email communication from Wednesday online.
Go Pumas!
Lisa Matye Edwards
Vice President for Student Affairs
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