Vicki is the Associate Dean for Instructional Operations and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Director for Arapahoe Community College (ACC) in Littleton, Colorado. She is an educator, administrator, and mentor with over 17 years of experience teaching adult learners and leading education teams. At ACC, she is a member of the Learning Leadership team, Curriculum Committee, Strategic Enrollment Management team, and has served in leadership roles in the Administrative Assembly. As the CTE Director at ACC, Ms. Bobo ensures CTE compliance with state policies and guidelines and serves as ACC's Carl D. Perkins grant administrator to ensure grant funds are used strategically and in compliance with CCCS requirements. Her previous positions include serving as the Online Operations Administrator and Director of General Education and Operations for Denver College of Nursing, Degree Program Manager at Cambridge College, adjunct faculty at Community College of Aurora and De Anza College, and instructor for Johns Hopkins University's Center for Talented Youth.
While at ACC, nomination for and participation in:
- 2018 Academic Management Institute
- 2017 CCCS Leadership Workshop
Received ACC Gem award in March 2017 as a thank you from the college
Received two Manager of the Quarter awards and the President's Cup for my program from Cambridge College
Currently in progress - several chapters of an introduction to archaeology textbook under review by Berghagn Press
Personal editor to author for published textbook Affective Teaching in Nursing: Connecting to Feelings, Values, and Inner Awareness by Dennis Ondrejka
Chapter in published volume K'axob: Ritual, Work, and Family in an Ancient Maya Village by Patricia A. McAnany
Chapter in published volume A Gathering of Voices: The Native Peoples of the Central California Coast by Robert Cartier
Awards & Publications
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vicki.aycock [at] arapahoe.edu
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