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What’s the Elephant in Your Room?

Many people who need help don’t seek it. There are endless reasons for each of us as to why we may, or may not reach out. Sometimes our fear of being judged or labeled overpowers us and prohibits the growth and skills we need to build to cope with our problems. This is stigma. Some other negative effects of stigma surrounding mental health are a lack of understanding of someone’s situation, bullying, physical violence and harassment. It is time to break our comfort zone and change the perception that asking for help is wrong or weak.

Talking openly about mental health helps to reduce stigma and create an environment where seeking help is supported and encouraged. To start this conversation, we posted a project on our events page from Fresh Check Day, called “The Elephant in the Room”. Participants wrote their personal “elephant in the room” on the link provided and submitted them anonymously. We are now displaying some of our submissions so others can read, and build awareness of what their peers are dealing with, and see that they are not alone.

Please take a moment to read what others have shared and continue sharing. It can be eye opening to see what our peers are struggling with behind the happy faces they put on! If you would like to talk about what you wrote or feel like you may need help, please reach out to our campus counselors. 

  • Dean of Students Office - Counseling services, resource referral, general assistance
    • acc [dot] dos [at] arapahoe [dot] edu or 303.797.5730
  • Colorado Crisis Services – 24/7/365 support for anyone in Colorado to connect with a mental health counselor
  • Campus Police
    • campus [dot] police [at] arapahoe [dot] edu or 303.797.5600
  • Learn more about Fresh Check Day

Elephants in the Room

the elephant in my room is...I am very young and getting married, and I face a lot of judgement from people saying I'm not ready or that my marriage won't be successful simply because of my age. All relationships can be successful if you put the work into it. Gender, race, or age shouldn't affect how "good" a marriage is going to be.the elephant in my room is...The amount of homework and classwork I have right now is suffocating me.the elephant in my room is...I have depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Some days are a struggle to appear normal and make it through the day. Even with medication, I often have panic attacks that are physically and emotionally painful. It took me years to get help, because I was taught as a child that getting diagnosed would cause me to lose out on opportunities (especially for work). I am now officially diagnosed, getting help and have a job I love at ACC.My elephant in the room is feeling like a failure when my ideas are challenged or I receive criticism on my work.the elephant in my room is...I can tell my family has issues but can't get them to open upthe elephant in my room is...Lovin' ACC but know I'll be going to a 4 year eventually and scared about making friends. Since ACC is virtual I haven't been able to connect with classmates and make friends.the elephant in my room is...BTW, love that it is virtual, scared about getting COVID

