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ACC Faculty Spotlight: Rachel Harrison

Rachel Harrison, ACC Biology Faculty and Behavioral Sciences Department Chair

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I have a BS and an MS from Colorado State University, although I got most of my undergraduate degree at a small college in Iowa where I grew up (and then transferred to CSU). My undergraduate degrees are in English and biology, with a minor in chemistry and my MS is in zoological physiology. I put myself through college by working as a CNA at night. I also have a doctorate degree in education that I got while working full time as a professor. I have taught biology for more than 25 years, including 6.5 years at the University of Denver and have been full time faculty at Arapahoe Community College since 2008. I have also worked for Red Rocks Community College, Colorado Online, CSU, and CU Boulder in my career. I have been the biology department chair and am currently the chair of behavioral and social sciences. I have taught a wide range of biology courses, in person and online, including general biology, cell biology, non-majors biology, and every variation of human anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology (study of disease) that there is! I started out my academic career wanting to go to medical school, but soon found that it was the science that I loved and after a job in research and biotechnology, I knew that teaching was truly what I love to do. I am grateful every day to wake up and teach! There is nothing better than sharing my love for biology. 

On a personal note, I love to travel anywhere and everywhere. I will try anything once - white water rafting, swimming with sharks, eating guinea pig... you name it! I also enjoy gardening, reading, woodworking, cooking, frequenting farmers markets and art shows, and am one serious cat lady. I currently have 2 cats and all know how to do many tricks. I even take one for hikes in Roxborough Park near my house. Other than that, I love movies, vintage/thrift shopping, museums, trying new foods and restaurants, volunteering for an animal rescue, and talking about the science of all living things. I am lucky enough to be married to a fellow professor and biologist, so we talk a lot of biology at our house! In addition to our two pampered cats and extensive wildlife outdoors, we have some rescue fish from biology labs, about 100 houseplants, and quite a collection of anatomy-themed art.

What do you teach?


How long have you been at ACC?

Since 2008 - Going on 17 years?

How long have you been teaching?

Over 25 years!

What is your favorite thing to teach?

Anatomy and Physiology

Why did you choose teaching?

There is nothing better than teaching my favorite subjects to students and seeing them get excited about the material and achieving their academic and career goals. I hadn't planned to teach, but once I started in graduate school, I knew that it was absolutely what I wanted to do.

Why did you choose ACC?

I wanted to work at a school that had a strong pre-health and biology program. I also wanted a student population that was diverse with non-traditional students. ACC was the perfect fit and had a wonderful reputation in the Denver area.

Are you a part of any clubs / organizations / committees at ACC or outside of ACC? What are they and why did you choose them?

I am a member of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)

American Herpetology Society, and Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS)

These all have to do with teaching biology/Anatomy and Physiology or the subject, itself. I also volunteer at Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue and subscribe to several poetry journals and groups in Denver.

What is your mountain (ultimate goal)?

Eventually living near the ocean. I also would like to have a lot of rescue farm animals. Not sure those things are in alignment with one another, but you never know!

What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?

Every student that moves forward in their academic or career goals or gets excited and learns in the classroom or lab feels big to me. On a personal level, getting my doctorate degree while working full time was a big one.

What's your favorite ACC memory so far?

Every time I get an email or visit from a former student with a happy update on their achievements is one of my favorite memories. One particular student comes to mind that had recently served in the Middle East in the army had just started classes here at ACC. I heard him mention to his classmates that he didn't have any furniture or a table, so he slept on the floor with a blanket and a stray cat that he rescued from an abandoned apartment next to his. I reached out to faculty on campus and within a week, I took my truck and loaded it up with donated furniture, groceries, gift cards, and cat supplies from everyone. I was amazed by how much my fellow faculty members donated for him. I brought all of this to his studio apartment, and he wept that he had a bed and a pillow and a desk to do his homework. He was overwhelmed with gratitude.

Last spring, he called and let me know that he'd just gotten his MD and was #1 in his graduating class.

Tell us a fun fact about you / Something about you that might surprise people.

I am VERY clumsy and have been covered with bruises, cuts, scrapes, and blisters since I was able to crawl. It runs in my family and, when we get together, there is a lot of sharing of stories about how we got our injuries.

Top 5 Guilty Pleasures

  1. Watching bad horror and Hallmark movies.

  2. Reading out on my deck in Roxborough.

  3. Going to vintage/thrift/antique stores.

  4. Watching baseball games or the symphony -in person.

  5. I love organizing, labeling, and decluttering.

What is your advice to future and current students at ACC?

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 

I'd add, that as you keep moving forward, know that your path might be different from others, but be sure to celebrate your accomplishments along the way and to give yourself grace.

Do you know a student, staff member, faculty member, instructor, or alumni that you would like to nominate for an ACC Spotlight? jessica [dot] horning [at] arapahoe [dot] edu (Let us know!) Or if you would like to be spotlighted on the ACC blog, complete our Spotlight form.
