This One’s for the Boys - Men's Health Awareness Month
Well it’s November again and if working from home didn’t make you put the razor down maybe raising awareness for men’s health will. Every year around this time many people grow out their hair for the boys bringing issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide to the forefront. Organizations such as “Movember” and “No Shave November” have normalized the wilderness look in the fall to fundraise for the causes.
We all know the stereotype of men keeping things to themselves and running out of gas before asking for directions. Many of us fit perfectly into that box, even when it puts our health at risk. Is it pride? Stigma? Ignorance? Whatever your reason, let’s try to cross that last one off the list.
Men between the ages of 25-54 account for the most suicide deaths in the U.S. That makes fellas 4X more likely to die of suicide than women. Coincidentally men are the least likely to receive support or talk to a friend. This is one thing duct tape can’t fix.
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among American men. When detected early, the survival rates are better than 98%. If detected late that number drops to 26%. When it comes to young men specifically, testicular cancer takes the lead. Make sure you know how to check your boys to “feel” things out.
The point I am trying to make is, don’t be a “tough guy” and let the stigma impact your choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and those that care for you. There is nothing wrong with talking about our issues and asking for help. There is nothing wrong about caring about yourself. To me that is a sign of real strength. Now you know some of the risks so ignorance can’t be the excuse anymore.
So, if there is a man in your life that is important to you, tell him you care. Not just why you like him, but why you care about his health and wellbeing. It goes a lot farther than you think! Join us is growing out your hair for the boys. Show and tell us why you put the razor down with the hashtag #movemountainsacc
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call: 800-273-TALK (8255)
Free and confidential 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention phone service.
NAMI Resource Guide for Those Experiencing A Mental Health Emergency
Call: 800-950-6264
Information to help people experiencing a mental health crisis and their loved ones.
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